Monday, May 23, 2011

75 cent hair cut

Doesn't Clifford look so handsome?! Pete gave him a haircut last night. I'm always amazed how different he looks after letting him grow his hair out, then cutting it.

So why "75 cent hair cut" if Pete did it? Well, it's simple. I bribed Clifford. lol. I actually like Clifford's hair a bit longer. He has naturally curly hair like me, so as it gets longer, it gets curlier. Plus it's so cute to watch Clifford each morning style and brush his hair after his shower. I sometimes even catch him using my hair dryer!

Lately, though, his hair has gotten a bit too long for the upcoming summer months. This is typically the time of year when I have both boys buzz their hair off. For the last two weeks I've been pestering Clifford to let Pete give him a haircut, but he only wanted the hairs by his ears trimmed. So finally last night as Clifford and I are sitting outside watching Pete bbq our dinner, I asked Clifford again about getting a hair cut. He said fine, but only trim around the ears. I said no, get a buzz. His reply was a firm 'no'. Then I said it: "I'll give you three quarters if you let daddy buzz your hair". That seemed to do it, because Clifford smiled wide and said "ok". Shortly after, Kristjan got wind of this and told me he wanted a hair cut too. Since his hair was already short enough (and I didn't have any more quarters), I told him he'd have to wait until next time.

I know some parents frown upon bribing their children. But hey, we both got something we wanted, and this was still way cheaper than taking him to a salon for a haircut! :)

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