Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Sheeba's Bath

Here's Sheeba rolling around in our dirt pile. The problem with this? I literally had just given her a bath and she went straight to the dirt. *SIGH* It really was comical. I laughed, and  then I cried  - because prior to this I had just spent an hour mowing the entire back yard, followed by being bent over for 20 minutes to give her this bath. And it was extremely hot outside this evening. So I was exhausted. Sheeba didn't care how I felt though. She rolled around in that dirt for a good 15 minutes straight. Oh well.

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Clifford's Fishing Group

Clifford and his friends have recently taken an interest in fishing. They will go hang out at the local pond, or beg a parent to take them to one of the surrounding lakes in the areas. These boys honestly don't have a real clue to what they're doing or use the proper gear, but it's entertaining to see how excited they are to go for a few hours. Occasionally, to our surprise, one of them will actually catch a fish. 

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Pirate Weekend

Our first vacation for the summer was to Westport for Pirate Weekend. It's been on my to-do list for years, but by the time I'd remember the event, we would already have plans made for that weekend. But this year I planned ahead and made reservations early. Our friends Gordon & Michelle with their kiddos and Chris & Wendy came along to join in the fun. We was a good time hitting up town to see people dressed up as Pirates, and looking at the various booths set up. Our campsite had easy access to the beach, so that gave us plenty of opportunities to go play in the sand. We all had so much fun that we're hoping to return to do it all over again next year.