Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Dinner

Last night I slaved away at preparing our traditional Halloween-themed dinner. This year I decided to make zombie meatloaf, melted ghost potatoes (sadly, I added too much milk to the mashed potatoes, so I tried salvaging them by giving them a clever name), candy corn seeds (regular canned corn), and potion punch. For dessert, I decorated cupcakes. By the time everything was ready, my kitchen was a disaster and I was exhausted, but it was all worth it when I saw how excited the boys were for this. To complete our evening, we sat down to watch a scary movie. We had a great night! :)

The zombie meatloaf before and after it was cooked. The boys LOVED this!
 Potion punch in "blood" rimmed glasses
 Clifford and Kristjan enjoying themselves!

Woodland Park Zoo

Monday we headed to the Woodland Park Zoo to meet up with Anne, her two boys and 3 other friends from Clifford and Kristjan's old school. Anne's husband Erik does concrete for a living and he is currently on a 6-month job at the zoo working on re-doing some exhibits, which means free entry for their well as free entry for any friends that go with them (awesome!!!). It's conference week for the both of us, so as soon as the boys were out of school, we headed out. We spent a good portion of the day there. We lucked out having amazing weather, with just a slight crisp in the air and a little warmth from the sun. Everyone had a great time. And with having a new phone with a better camera, I was able to take lots and lots of pics!

Sugar Cookies and Pumpkin Carving

Last weekend the boys kept busy by decorating Halloween sugar cookies and carving pumpkins!

Here's Kristjan learning how to roll out sugar cookie dough. He asked for music, so he sang to Katy Perry while he worked :)
 Clifford and Kristjan working hard to decorate their pumpkins, mummies and ghosts.
 Good thing these cookies were just for us. I swear almost every other picture I took of them they had their fingers in their mouths LOL
 Clifford's cookies....
 ...and Kristjan's cookies.

 Pumpkin Carving Time!
All Done!
 This is Kristjan's....I think it was suppose to be a ghost. He only carved half of the design before giving up and ripping the paper off the pumpkin.
 My Skeleton Pumpkin
 Clifford's Black Cat Pumpkin...he did it ALL by himself!
Earlier in the day I painted a pumpkin for the Teal Pumpkin Project!