Saturday, August 24, 2019

Another Mariner's Game

My work gave out more tickets to another Mariner's game. Peter wasn't interested in going, so I asked Matt and Franie to come along again. They brought Gavin along, which happened to be his first game. We took the light rail into town.
 Gavin getting a certificate for his first game.
 View from our seats
 I had so much fun hanging out with this little guy!
 Group shot! 

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Grandma's 80th Birthday

 Boys, Jasmine and I heading down to Yakima for my Grandma's 80th birthday. Peter drove down the next day to meet up with us.
 Made it to the hotel and first thing we did was hit up the pool.
 I offered to take the boys out to dinner, but they just wanted pizza.
 Jasmine tuckered out after the long car ride.
 Took the boys back to the pool for an evening swim while I let Jasmine outside to stretch her legs. Boys had the pool all to themselves.
 The next evening we went out for a family dinner. Uncle John, Uncle Drew & Aunt Susie came from out of state for the celebration. 
 Peter finally made it. Getting cuddles in with Jasmine.
 Peter brought Chewie down to keep Jasmine company, who wasn't happy being alone in hotel room while we went out swimming. 
 We realized Peter and Clifford had the same swimsuit! We had a good laugh over this. 
 Decor I did for the party
 Grandma arrived to her party.
 Maria and her girls.
 My boys with their cousins from my side of the family
 Grandma with all her great-grandsons
 Grandma with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren
4 generations in this pic 
 Grandma with her sister Susie
 Grandma with her brother John
 Me with my brothers Roddy and Matt
Family Photo 
 Out to lunch and one last family pic before we head back home.