Friday, June 30, 2017

June Update

I met Mel and the girls at Frost to celebrate National Donut Day. I also picked up a few extra donuts to take home to Peter and the boys to enjoy once they came home from work and school

Peter hosted a work BBQ 
(Jason Martin brought Peter an early birthday gift)
(The dogs intensely starring Jason Davis down has he gets himself a hot dog)

We tagged along with Erik and his boys to hike Rattlesnake Ledge for our first time

Peter FINALLY got back into the garage to work on his car!!! The engine is officially out. 

Peter turned 39 this year!! We celebrated with a small group of family and friends.

Kristjan graduated 5th Grade!! He'll be off to Middle School this Fall!
(Kristjan is far right in the green)
(He received lots of "aaahhhs" from the audience)
(What he wants to be when he grows up)
(Wearing his candy lei....our gift to him)
(Mel and the girls attended his graduation)
(He picked sweet 'n sour meatballs for his special dinner)
(And blueberry pie for his special dessert)

We FINALLY got a pair of Mariner's tickets from work. James got two tickets, but ended up getting sick so we invited Erik to be Mel's stunt husband for the game. Peter and I requested four tickets, but the boys had no interest in going so we invited Chris (another co-worker) and Wendy. It was fun. Unfortunately our seats were located smack in the middle of the opposing team's fans AND directly out in the sun. It happened to be a sunny gorgeous day, so we were pretty hot.

Celebrating 13 years of marriage! We went out for a snack and a drink.

Happy Father's Day Peter!

LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! Which meant we celebrated by having ice cream for dinner and junk food for dessert!

To kick off summer vacation, we went car camping at Bay View Campground.
(Kristjan got stung by a hornet in the tent)
(We attempted to go rock climbing on Big Rock. That didn't end up happening, but we got a good hike out of it.)
(Went to go swimming. Tide was out)
(Evening swim)
(Stopped at the Chuck Wagon for lunch before heading home)
(Clifford ended up getting car sick on the drive home. Peter doesn't do well with puke, so he comforted Clifford the best he could. Second pic is of Peter right before we walked away to get back in the car LOL)