Thursday, October 17, 2013

Guess Who is the New Cub Scout Secretary?

As of last night, I'm officially the new Cub Scout Secretary! For a few months now it has been announced that our Pack needed to find new replacements for certain positions. The current leaders will be crossing over to the Boy Scouts with their sons here soon. I quickly learned my name was being passed around at meetings, and both Pete and I received emails to see if I was interested in a particular position or two. I gave vague answers, waiting to see if anyone else would step up first. Well, last night while I'm sitting with Kristjan's den, Bob and Rich (Committee Chair and Cub Master) came up to me. I immediately knew what they wanted. In fact, they literally put me in a corner and wouldn't let me go until I said yes lol. The funny thing is earlier that evening, I told Pete all they had to do was physically ask me (not through email). Sure enough, that's just what they did. And I graciously said yes. The position doesn't start for me until March. By then, PTA should slow down a bit for my position as Secretary. Although, I already have another mom at school asking me to co-chair the President position for the next two years, plus I know a few people who plan on nominating me for that as well. Looks like I'm going to be even busier!!

Oh, and currently Pete is the Outdoor Chair for scouts as well. Unfortunately, his experience and knowledge is geared more towards the Boy Scout side. So as of today, he resigned from that position and instead will be the new Committee Chair, taking over Bob's position in the next few months. So now both of us will be on the Scout Committee. The Nielsens are gonna rock it!!

P.S. I'm hoping to update the blog here soon with what we've been busy with that last few months. So stay tuned!