Sunday, December 25, 2016

Merry Christmas!

We had an amazing Christmas this year! We kept with some traditions, while starting a few new ones. And we all loved everything we received this year, with no complaints whatsoever!

We planned to start Christmas Eve off by going out to breakfast. We still did that, but because we all slept in late, we didn't make it out until 1 pm!
 Peter gave me an early gift. It was too big to wrap, so he had to store it in the garage, which I had to constantly remind myself not to go in there the whole week before. I love it! I've been wanting a large mirror, but could never find one big enough. He did a great job picking this out!
 Peter and boys opening up their Christmas pj's.
 One more gift for the boys. We gave in and got them Minecraft for the Xbox One.
 Love the smile on Clifford's face. Days before, Clifford harassed us to let him buy Minecraft. We kept telling him to just wait until after the holidays, that no one buys themselves anything, just in case. But he kept constantly bugging us. So this picture is of Clifford laughing as Peter lectured him on the importance of listening to us.
 Later in the day Kristjan helped me make sugar cookies so we could decorate them as a family for Santa.
 Our traditional Christmas Eve Buffet spread. Yum!

With the boys older and no longer believe in Santa, we don't necessarily have to wait until Christmas morning to open gifts. Everyone was just so excited to give each other their gifts, so Peter decided we would just open our stockings. So I got Peter and the boys' stocking all ready to go while Peter worked on mine. We laid them on the floor and called the boys up from downstairs to open them.
 Can't leave out the fur babies on Christmas
We cleaned up the small mess from opening stockings and let dogs chew on their bones. It was almost midnight and we were all still wide awake. Peter and I then decided, what the heck, lets open the gifts! So we did!
 (this was the look Kristjan made opening every gift. too cute!)
And for the Grand Finale...

Christmas morning we slept in late. Once up, we munched on leftovers from the night before, made calls to family, prepped for dinner, and played with our new toys.
 I woke up from a late nap to find Peter digging into the cherry pie!! We hadn't even made dinner yet!!
 Time for dinner:
ribs, scalloped potatoes and saute brussel sprouts with mushrooms.
 And for dessert, cherry and vanilla cream pies