Friday, July 29, 2016

California Adventure

We had a BLAST on our California adventure!!! We can't thank Mama and Papa enough for this opportunity!

Because the trip was a week long AND we took so many pictures, I'm breaking down sharing our vacation into multiple posts. This one is all about our traveling to and from California.

Our ride has arrived!! 
Family pic before our adventure began!
Keeping ourselves occupied during the long drive
Taking a break to stretch our legs and enjoy the scenery
I touched my first palm tree in California!
A single-car crash occurred ahead of us during our drive. Peter and Papa went to assist the mom and baby, while Mickey and I tried searching for their puppy.
We stopped one evening at Roxcy and Lane's house. 
Alice is a feisty one! She was all screams and giggles when Uncle Peter roughed house with her.
I just love this little moment I caught between Clifford and his cousin Tad. Clifford was just so kind and patient, helping Tad to play ball :)
Back on the road again....and came upon another car accident
Home Sweet Home for the week!
The rv park had a pool. The boys took immediate advantage of it once we got settled in. Kristjan particularly liked it. The pool opened every morning at 9am, so when Kristjan woke up our first morning there at 9:10am the first words out of his mouth were "lets go swimming".
On one of our stops during the drive home we saw an In-N-Out Burger joint nearby. We had our first experience of this a few days prior, but wanted one last delicious burger before crossing into the Oregon border. So this ended up being breakfast for us :)
During the entire week we were gone, our friends Mel and James (who were house/doggy sitting for us) sent up pics each day of our fur babies. The very first pic with Sheeba is the sweetest/saddest of them all....this was taken on the day we left. She laid around the front landing waiting for us to come back.
We made it back home the following Sunday. As we were unloading the rv, I lost my footing on the steps and went crashing down onto the sidewalk. I scraped up my left leg and banged up both the tops of my feet pretty good. At least it happened at the END of our trip.
Came home to fresh flowers and a bottle of wine from Mel & James!