Thursday, June 30, 2016

Heather Lake

Our weekly hikes with the Adventurous Moms group started up. For our first one we headed out to Heather Lake. There was a total of 10 kids, 6 dogs and 4 moms!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Swimming, Tie Dye and Berry Picking

Between our big adventures we have scheduled on the weekends, we've been keeping ourselves pretty busy. One evening we went over to Anne and Erik's. I brought dinner (a nice summer salad and bread), and the kids kept themselves entertained in the pool. Even the dogs got in for some swimming.
Another day we got together with friends at Martha Lake to do some tie-dying
 Another evening we went over to Mel and James' house for some berry picking in their garden and a bbq dinner. They have cats, which I'm deathly allergic to, so we can never hang out at their place. But the day we went the weather was great, so they arranged where we could be outside for dinner and I could use their guest house bathroom if needed (as of now, cats have not set foot inside the guest house). It was a really nice to be able to go to their place for a change, and I know they were happy to host for once.

 (here's Clifford in front of the raspberries. proof he DOES eat fruit!!)