Friday, March 30, 2018

March Hike - Meadowdale

At the last minute we squeezed in our hike for the month of March. We stayed local and went to Meadowdale. We met up with our friend Rhaya and two of her kiddos. Once down at the beach we hung out, looking for seashells, and watched a group of seals swimming in the water off in the distance. Afterwards, we went to dinner at Brooklyn Bros Pizza (the Mill Creek location opened a few days prior-YES!). Once done with pizza, we all headed to our house for a movie night. 

Monday, March 26, 2018

Nielsens Make a Visit

Peter's brother Eric and his family had a trip to the Woodland Park Zoo planned for this morning, so they came over yesterday to visit and spend the night. They live in Spokane, so we don't get to visit with them too often. We had a great time catching up with them. I really enjoyed hanging out with their kids. They're just so sweet and polite. William worked on getting on my good side - he kept complimenting me on my cooking, and especially loved my homemade rolls. Sweet kid lol. 

I failed at getting a cousin pic with the boys before they went off to school. I did manage to snap this one though. Turned out super cute.

Sunday, March 25, 2018

New 'Do

Kristjan decided it was time to switch his hair up again. This time around he went with orange.

Friday, March 23, 2018

Trip to the Mall

 Ahh, today was such a big day for Clifford. He went to the mall to meet up with friends and hang out! This is the first time we've allowed him to do such a thing. Peter and I wouldn't just drop him off though. We made sure he met up with his friends, then we went window shopping. He had his phone on him and we told him to call us when he was done. Crazy to think Clifford is now old enough to do activities such as this. The hilarious part was a few days prior he goes "oh mom, I'm going to need $20 for the mall". Oh really?! I just laughed at him (I was nice and did give him some money that day).

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

First Day of Spring

Happy First Day of Spring!

When the boys got home from school we drove down to Dairy Queen to receive a free ice cream cone in celebration. YUM! And the best part? The sun was our brightly shining!

Saturday, March 17, 2018

St. Patrick's Day

Celebrating St. Patty's Day this year was very low key. We were busy in the early morning running errands, then spending the afternoon back outside doing yard work. I did manage to through a corned beef into the crockpot for dinner (side note: I learned I do NOT like corned beef. Yuck! The smell of it makes me sick. I don't even think I can manage having it once a year.). 

For dessert, we just did cupcakes with green frosting and gold sprinkles. Kristjan wanted to practice his decorating skills so I let take charge. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Sweet Sunshine

The sun has been out shining lately - Lucky Us! We've been taking advantage of it by getting out to do some yard work. Here's Clifford helping us dig up more of the front yard so we can level it out.
Sometimes Peter and I are nice and excuse the boys from helping us in the yard. But the catch for that is they both still have to be outside doing something, like riding their bikes or skateboards. I love this pic of Kristjan as he practices on his board.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

National Pi Day

Happy National Pi Day! 

Clifford's math class encouraged students to bring in circular food dishes to share with their class in celebration of the day. I made him a cherry pie to take.

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Romac Night at the Silvertips

Our work had a "Romac Night" at the Everett Silvertips Hockey game. Each employee who signed up could also receive one extra ticket to bring a guest. Since Peter and I both work there, we were able to bring the boys along for a family night out. Before the game, we met up with our co-worker Chris and his wife Wendy for dinner at Brooklyn Bros Pizza (by far, the best pizza we've had over here!)
 Seriously, the pizza is amazing. They will be opening up a location in Mill Creek, which is 10 minutes from our house. I foresee a lot more pizza consumption in our future. 
 At the game! So I was actually in charge of the seating arrangements for all employees when divvying up the tickets. I didn't want to "abuse" my power, but still wanted great seats. So I put us in the fourth row from the front. The view was awesome. 
It happened to be Navy night, where young recruits were sworn in. One of the recruits being sworn in happened to be a Romac employee. He's a senior in high school and works part time as one of our "yard boys". So exciting for him!
 Game went into overtime. We ended up winning!