Tuesday, February 28, 2017

New Job!

 I started a new part time job up in Sultan at the Foundry (part of Romac). I'm not really sure what my official title is, but I'm the front office gal as well as assisting HR and Environmental & Safety departments. I work M-Th from 9-2, with a small commute each way. But it's perfect because I leave for work when Kristjan heads to school, and I'm back home when school gets out. I'm hired on as a temp right now, but hoping this will turn into a permanent thing.

My desk on the first day of work
 I got a name plate made! According to Peter this is a big deal because they don't do this for temps, only official hire-ons. This makes Peter think I'm sticking around for a while. 

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Happy Birthday To ME!

I'm another year older. Mentally I think I'm starting to show my age because when asked how old I was it took me a few minutes to try to figure it out - haha! My birthday landed on a Thursday, so we didn't get too wild and crazy. 

My in-laws came a for a visit the night before and brought me gifts. One of my favorites was from my niece Emma, who drew me a Donald Duck portrait. LOVE!
 I found this on my bed later in the morning after Kristjan went to school. So sweet!
 I treated myself to a pedicure, hair cut and bought a few of my favorite things.
 For my birthday dinner I wanted pizza from our favorite hole-in-the-wall place. So Peter picked up two pizzas and 3 crepes (their crepes are soooo amazing!)
 For my birthday dessert (as if the crepes weren't enough!), our friend Mel made me Creme Brulee (my fav!) 

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Happy Birthday Kristjan!!!

Today we celebrate Kristjan turning 11!
 The boys happened to have the day off from school today, but he still had to wait until Peter got home from work to open his gifts. 
 For his birthday dinner he requested his favorite - Panda Express
 And for this years dessert, he asked that I make oreo "dirt"

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Au Revoir

We were invited to a party for our dear friend Michelle. She has been suffering from internal issues for some time now, so her doctor felt she needed to go in for a hysterectomy. Michelle's twin sister and a friend of hers decided to through a party for the upcoming surgery, as a way to lighten the mood and have a little fun with this. So we hit up a ferry and made the trek over to their place. We don't get to see Gordon and Michelle very often ever since they moved out to Poulsbo, so it was really nice to catch up with them and see how big their boys are getting. 

Here's Kristjan passed out only minutes from leaving our house. After his birthday party last night, Clifford came home (I'd arranged for him to be elsewhere, as I knew he wouldn't like hanging around all the girls) and brought his friend Kenneth as well. The three of them stayed up super late playing video games. So because we needed to catch a ferry, Kristjan didn't get to sleep in like he's used to on the weekends.
 So we made it to Gordon and Michelle's...and Kristjan fell right back to sleep!! 
*Tisk Tisk*
You never do that at a party. So we had a little fun with him...
 Michelle posed for pics with him...
 Clifford put popcorn on his face....
 And Peter found a pen!....
 Caleb and Gage
 Michelle's Cake 
 We hung out and played with the kids. The younger boys especially took to Clifford, using him as a jungle gym.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Party Time - Part 2

It's Kristjan's turn to celebrate his birthday with friends. He invited 7 of his closet (girl) friends to his party. All but one was able to come. I asked Kristjan what he wanted to do for his party. He said he just wanted to hang out with his friends and paint nails. Easy enough! So for four hours they all just hung out and had a good time.

Kristjan's gifts and candy cake
 Kristjan and his friends hanging out downstairs, munching on pizza and giving each other manicures.
 Happy Birthday!!

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Igloo Camping at Mt Rainier

Peter and Clifford headed back to Mt Rainier for an igloo camping trip. They were suppose to meet up with friends there, but they never found one another. So it ended up just being the two of them.
 As for Kristjan and I, we loved having the house to ourselves. We made a quick run to the store for ice cream, then picked up an order of chicken teriyaki for dinner.
 Poor puppies. Dogs aren't allowed inside Mt Rainier, so they had to stay home. They were so sad, especially Sheeba. She knows whats going on when she sees Peter pull together the camping gear and load it into the car. She whined for a bit when they left, but then calmed down shortly thereafter. Here they are tuckered out late at night.