Saturday, September 26, 2009

Preschool Art Projects

Kristjan's First Day At Preschool

It took forever but it came-Kristjan's First Day of Preschool!!! He was so excited. When the doors open for him to go in, Kristjan didn't say "bye" or hug me or even look at me!!! He was just focused on getting in and having a good time away from mommy and his big brother. Kristjan has the same teacher as Clifford does. Because of his allergy, even though the classes are nut free, Kristjan has to take a snack with him each day he goes as a "backup". Each child has their own snack day. So on the days when other kids bring snacks, Kristjan may not be able to eat the snack they brought (the teacher requested I make a "safe" food list-snacks we know that are safe for Kristjan to eat). I also asked if it would be ok (which they thought was a great idea) on the "birthday" snack day of the other kids that I bring a cupcake that I make for Kristjan to have (that way he's not left out). Almost all the store-bought cupcakes are not safe for Kristjan to eat (maybe fred meyers ones are ok, but who knows where parents shop). Anyhow, it's good knowing Kristjan can go to school and still participate in all the fun. And Kristjan is always excited to show off his art projects he makes. I'm looking forward on creating his keepsake scrapbook of all his artwork.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kristjan Too Sick For School!!!

My poor little boy. Last Thursday was to be Kristjan's first day of preschool, as well as his snack day and show-and-tell. He was so pumped and ready to go. But on Wednesday he came down sick (as did the rest of us). He was unable to go to school for the entire two days!! I think I was more upset about it than Kristjan was (he was miserable; you know he's really sick when all he does is lay on the couch motionless and doesn't talk). As of today, Kristjan is back to his normal self (so happy about that!) and will have his "first day" this coming Thursday.

Clifford's First Day Back to Preschool

Last week was back to school time. Clifford is now in the 4 year old class in preschool. He was so excited to return to school. Instead of backpacks, the school prefers the kids to bring a canvas tote bag instead (helps to prevent art projects from getting destroyed). The kids can decorate their bag any way they like. Clifford wanted a "star wars" themed bag (last years was dinosaurs), so i got creative. I printed a star wars pic onto iron-on paper to apply to the bag, and on the back of the bag, i stenciled "may the force be with you". He loved it and had fun showing it to his friends. Most of his friends from last years class are in his class again. He has a new teacher, Mrs. Bowers, who is super nice. Instead of two days a week, Clifford now goes to school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for 2 and a half hours. Unfortunately, Clifford got sick Tuesday night and was unable to finish off his first week of school. He spent Wednesday sick in bed. But he's feeling better now and will return to school on Monday, which is his snack day and show-and-tell day! I'm super excited for the art projects to begin again. I've started making "keepsake" books of their projects, in chronological order of when the projects are made. Then, at the end of the year, I laminate the pages and have them bound into a book. The projects they bring home, if they are big, I take pictures of the boys holding their project and then put the project up on their bedroom wall. If it's a small one on paper, it goes in the book. I love doing this and it's a great way for the boys to look back at the previous school year!

Saturday, September 19, 2009