Monday, March 29, 2010

Clifford's A Superstar!!!!!

Each week in the four year old preschool classes, a child is selected to be the "Superstar" of that week. They bring a snack on that Monday for their snack day, get to bring show and tell for the entire week, and they get to put together a poster board of pictures of themselves to share with the entire class. Well, this week is Clifford's turn!!! I found some "star wars" fruit snacks for him to take, and I had him answer a small questionare about himself (one question was 'where do you want to go on vacation?' his answer was 'to the lego store'). He helped me put together his poster board. It was so much fun!!! And his board looked great!! Technically it's his first homework assignment!! How exciting! And all the kids at school loved looking at the pictures!

Some More Projects

Monday, March 22, 2010

Picnic Point

(pete took this pic himself. turned out gorgeous!)
The first day of spring was GORGEOUS!!!! We took advantage of the beautiful day by getting together with our friends Gordon and Michelle and going on our first walk on the beach of 2010!! We went to a new spot, Picnic Point, and spent about four hours there. We all came home with a mini-sunburn on our faces! We walked a good chunk of the beach and collecting lots of great sea shells. Gordon was such a great sport. For almost the entire walk all he heard from Clifford was him yelling "Gordon! Gordon! Turn this rock over!!" We found lots of crabs, fish and other sea life under them. The best part for the kids was when Michelle found a HUGE dead catfish under the boardwalk. She took a rock to poke at it and show the kids it. We kept telling Clifford not to touch it. He turned to his dad and Gordon and proudly whispered to them "I already touched it!!" Afterwards we all headed back to our place. Gordon and Michelle stayed for dinner, and Pete cooked up some delicious tacos. Once the boys went to bed we watched a comedy show together and had some great laughs!! It was a fantastic Saturday!!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Preschool pics


Projects, Projects, Projects

A House Full of Boys

Last Saturday we took another little drive, this time to Tacoma to help party it up for Dominick's 7th Birthday (for those who don't know, Dominick is Daniel's (Pete's cousin) oldest boy). The party was at Round Table Pizza. The party turned out to be lots of fun, even with all these crazy little kids running around. It was nice to chat with other family members who attended as well. After the two hour party, Daniel's family, a few mom's and their kids, and us headed to a park to let the kids play and run off some of their energy. The mom's sat in their mini-van to keep warm while they let the kids play (I'll keep my opinion about this to myself!), while I froze and helped Pete and Daniel watch the huge group of boys. I must say, it was adorable watching all these little boys giggle while they all climbed on to a tire swing! It was time to head out once the kids started to have melt downs. Daniel made the comment how he should come up to our place to visit, so we made plans for him and his boys' Dominick and Damien to come over. I thought it would have been crazy at my house having these 4 little boys running around and going crazy. But they surprised me be all being well mannered and polite! They ended up spending the night, and the next day we took everyone swimming at our indoor pool. It was a very enjoyable weekend with cousins!!!

all the boys at breakfast the next morning

Grandpa is 78!!

About two weeks ago (March 6th), we took a little trip down to Yakima to help celebrate my grandpa's 78th birhday! We went out to lunch at 'Bob's Burgers', then headed back to the house for presents and cake. The boys had tons of fun and I know my grandpa loved seeing his favorite great grandsons.