Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Halloween 2017

The Halloween season was very low-key this year for us. Didn't do as much baking as I would have liked, nor we didn't attend as many Halloween activities as we usually do. This is partly to do with me now working along with our already-busy schedule we have. I did manage to make our traditional Halloween-themed dinner. Peter isn't in the pics because he ended up getting sick (I had been sick 2 days prior myself). 
 Kristjan went with the girls to the Halloween activities our high school puts on every year.
 We carved our pumpkins.
The only baking I managed to do.
Halloween Night! Kristjan went trick-or-treating with the girls. Clifford made plans to go hang out with friends from his soccer team,where they had their own little party going on - pizza, movies, trick-or-treating. Clifford and his friends dressed in their soccer uniforms and went as soccer players. 

Friday, October 27, 2017

Stranger Things Party

We are fans of the Stranger Things show on Netflix. Our neighbors across the street are too. They ended up hosting a season 2 premier and invited us to come join in the fun. It was 80's themed - of course! So I helped Kristjan pull together an outfit with what we already had in the house. I dressed up a little too, while Peter work a classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle shirt. Clifford was too cool and stayed home playing video games. The party was rad and we totally had a tubular time! :)

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Misc October Happenings

We've been busy busy busy these past three weeks in October!! Here are the highlights:

Peter and I joined our friends Mel & James for a double-date night to a comedy show - on a SUNDAY NIGHT!!! Eek - we feel so old staying up past our bedtime. But it was a lot of fun!

 The boys went paint balling for their first time - and are hooked! It was for a friend's birthday party. All the dads joined in too. Peter just couldn't resist. 

 Clifford got braces sooner than expected! His retainer broke so we took him in, expecting to pay the $200+ to get a new one. Dr. Teng happened to noticed that Clifford's bottom teeth appeared to have shifted. New x-rays were needed, but the machine was done so we had to return the following week. Returning for x-rays showed just how messed up Clifford's bottom teeth were - teeth crowded, some coming in at an odd angle, one permanent tooth actually missing. Fast forward to the NEXT week and in we go to sign our (financial) life away (Honestly, wasn't too bad. We got a discount because of Dr. Teng not noticing this sooner, and the financial gal worked with us with a great payment system). Pics below are of Clifford getting top braces on. Bottom braces will come next week to spare him so much discomfort. 

Clifford doubled up on sports this Fall. He did Cross Country for the Middle School (he even made district finals!!!!) and Soccer with his team he's played for the past 3 years.
 (they run rain or shine!)
 (District Finals!!!)
 (Clifford is the one moving up and passing 4 participants)
(Go Blue Lightening!!)

We made a weekend trip down to Yakima to attend Chealsae's Quinceanera (she's the oldest daughter of family friends Maria and Joel). It was quite the event (and experience for us!). Chealsae looked beautiful and grown up!