Sunday, June 30, 2019

Pirate Weekend 2019

 We returned to Westport with the Homan's for Pirate Weekend!
 I took lead on cooking dinner-a first! Peter was en-route to the campground from work. 
 Gavin helped with the cooking too during the trip.
 Peter made it....and showed off his new work project.
  Franie finally made it too!
  Franie paid a ransom for Clifford and Gavin to be arrested and jailed HAHAHA
 Peter and Kristjan's new duds from the street market
 Franie is always the life of the party!!
 So many memories were made on this trip for these cousins. I love how well they all get along, considering their age differences. I hope when they're adults with families of their own that they'll still get together for family trips.