Sunday, November 10, 2019

San Diego Trip

We took the boys on their first plan trip down to San Diego to surprise our nephew Travis who was graduating boot camp as a Marine. The entire trip was amazing. There was sunshine! There was the beach! There were rides and games! Tons of cousin bonding time for our boys with the Brignone kids. And most of all - there was Travis, who Peter and I made sure to spoil!

Boys and I headed out to meet Peter after work
 At the airport! I'm super excited we could make this trip and to take the boys!
 Dinner before our flight
Boys in their seats! 
 Our first morning in San Diego was an early one! Up and ready to head to the base. 
 Made it on base for a long day of activities

Everyone getting their first glimpse of Travis in months!
Towards the afternoon after they cleaned up and in uniform, right before they were released to see their families for the rest of the day. 
 One happy mom!

 Later that night Kristjan went out with cousins for a night walk on the beach
 A beautiful sunny morning in San Diego! A perfect day for a graduation.
Travis officially graduated!
Our graduation gift to Travis (a watch)
Headed down for a day at the beach!
Evening fun on the boardwalk. Peter and I loved being able to spoil all the kids at the arcade.
Travis' first good sleep in months. He was passed out!
More beach fun
Peter and I delivered soda and pizza to Travis. 
Sadly, it's time to go home.
 Franie watched the dogs and house for us. Clifford came home to find a nice surprise LOL.