Wednesday, October 22, 2014

9 More Days Until Halloween!!

We are super excited for Halloween this year. With us being in a house for the first time, it means we'll actually get trick-or-treaters! Peter was told that the neighborhood is hopping that night, so every Friday in October when I get paid we've been buying at least 2 bags of candy. We're curious to see how much candy we'll have left over. Also this year we'll be participating in the Teal Pumpkin Project, where you sit out a teal-painted pumpkin signaling to trick-or-treaters with food allergies (or I suppose to parents who would prefer a non-candy treat) that you offer non-candy items. I heard about this on our local news last week and think it's an amazing idea. I stopped by the Dollar Store the other day to load up on trinkets. And I'm hoping that maybe we'll encounter a house or two participating as well. It would be a nice option for Kristjan.

We're also excited for Halloween because the surrounding neighborhoods will be amazing to actually walk through to take the boys on the hunt for candy. We're far away from a main road so safety won't be a huge issue, and all the neighborhoods intertwine with one another, making it hours of fun for the boys (if I so choose, since I'm the one venturing out while Pete stays behind to hand out candy). The boys want me to print out a map so we can keep track of where we've been and still need to go to :)

Took the boys shopping for their Halloween costumes. We actually WENT to the Spirit store to purchase their items.....such spoiled boys! Clifford will be Daryl Dixon from the Walking Dead and Kristjan will be a Skeleton. We also bought Pete some face appliances so he can bring back the Devil look he did a few years ago.
 I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pinterest. I attempted a few new Halloween crafts to add to my collection of misc Halloween decor. I've also been fattening everyone up with baked goodies. Boys love that I do this, so it makes it worth the time and energy :)

Here is a spiderweb I made with just elmer's glue and glitter.
 Terra Cotta Pumpkins

Slowly adding things here and there for decorating. Pics below is from our Living Room. I have some window clings on the front window, as well as decorated the front porch (no pics of those as of yet).

My attempt at baking some new ghoulish treats. Followed the recipes as-is on each. If I repeat the ghost brownies and candy corn sugar cookies next year, I'll use my own recipes instead. 

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