Saturday, December 7, 2013


Our Thanksgiving weekend this year.....sucked! I'm not gonna sugar coat it. It was awful. We want a redo.

First off, Pete ended up getting really sick. He was miserable for the whole week. Then the day after turkey day, I ended up with allergy/sinus issues that lasted a few days, which then made me feel miserable.

Second, we all got on each other's nerves. It was a short week to begin with at school for the boys, which they only went for one day. So with Pete home sick and boys home from school, all under one roof, we all got tired of each other. Not to mention we've been having behavior issues with the boys. Honestly, it's nothing abnormal for their age, but we're sick of it. The boys constantly pick and fight with each other, whining and crying. Then we're also dealing with Clifford, who has been testing his boundaries by talking back, breathing heavily under his breath when he doesn't like something, not using manners, picking and/or complaining at the food we give him, not being grateful for what he has, etc etc etc etc...So there were a few breakdowns this last weekend. Lots of tears, mostly by me, just out of shear frustration. I couldn't wait until Monday arrived....

Third, Thanksgiving Day itself was extremely disappointing. We were invited to our friends house for dinner. We were excited for this. Every other time we've been to their house, we've had a great time. Not so much this time. The gathering didn't start until 3pm for appetizers. Typically, that's the time we start eating our turkey dinner. Ok, we'll deal with that, we thought. So here's the run down: the hosts (our friends) ignored us, well mainly the wife...The guests they invited were extremely clique the entire night. We figured out they were mainly the wife's friends, since she was the main one of the two hosts who ignored us the entire evening. Pete and I basically just sat there bored (and it wasn't for a lack of trying to interact and mingle)...we didn't eat until after 6 pm, which by then everyone was full from appetizers...AND not only was the food portion unorganized in planning and execution, the food tasted awful. Veggies were under cooked, typical traditional turkey dishes was disappointing. PLUS the hosts' youngest son was acting like a butthead, being rude to Clifford throughout the evening. Not to mention the kid spit all over some other kid's dinner plate! UGH. We left for home as soon as we could. To try to make up for this, I'm going to cook up a turkey dinner for us this weekend. And next year, we're having our own get together and cooking the meal ourselves.

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