Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Not Enough Room!!!

I'm so frustrated!! I've spent the last 3 days working hard on rearranging the house and utilizing every spare space in this house. Why, you may ask? Because Clifford really, really, really wants his own room. And I'm tired of the boys fighting and bickering all the time. I know giving them their own room won't cure this issue, but I'm hoping it will at least help a smidgen, at least to give them their own space when needing to separate from each other for a while. We're in a 3 bedroom apartment, but we've had the boys share a room so we could utilize the other bedroom for our 'stuff'. The 'stuff' includes all camping gear, tools, scrapbook/project items, kitchen items that won't fit in our kitchen, extra bulk food items that won't fit in the kitchen cupboards, toys, and other 'stuff' that won't fit in our outside storage. And it's not like we keep junk around here. I'm constantly going through and giving away to Goodwill. All this 'stuff' is things we actually use. And unfortunately, our apartment lacks room in cupboards, closets, and the patio storage. Pete comes back home tonight from his trip to Texas, and is taking the next two days off work, so I'll put him to work helping me. Wish me luck:)

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