Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!!

Today I enter the last year of my twenties!! The morning started off with a glitch....Pete's alarm didn't go off and he was late for work. Boys and I had to drive him in to work. I went about my normal morning routine of getting kids ready for school, dishes, and laundry. Once I dropped Kristjan off at school at noon, that's when I started to celebrate. I took myself out to lunch at Panera Bread for one of my favorite soup 'n sandwich combos, followed by a pedicure. It felt wonderful to do something for myself. Later in the late afternoon after everyone came home from work and school, I was treated to a delicious mexican dinner. As for gifts, I was actually spoiled a few weeks prior. My mom gave me a new purse and a soft throw blanket. Pete bought me a new phone and camera (though the camera sucked. we sent it back and i'm waiting to pick out a different one). My neighbor gave me some new Mary Kay makeup. Jane gave me the gift money to purchase a new cookbook scrapbook I've been wanting. My in-laws made a recipe book and gave me a box of emergency food for our food storage. I got a chuckle out of the emergency food when Pete and I opened it to look at the contents. It's all food items Pete will use for his backpacking meals!! I laughed and commented to Pete "This is more a gift for you!" He was very excited for this. Overall, my birthday was laid back and simple, which I'm grateful for. Our schedules have started to get busier, so I'm happy to have a day where I wasn't running around trying to get everything done.

Here's a few pics of my pretty painted toes and us out for my birthday dinner

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