Monday, July 11, 2011

Kid Free

As of tomorrow night, Pete and I will have been kid-free for an entire week! Cliff came by last Tuesday night to take the boys down to Yakima to visit. I'm not sure when the boys are coming back home (could be this weekend). The boys said they couldn't come back home until after Aunt Meme came up to visit. Pete and I have called and talked to them a few times. They are having so much fun! I know they love the freedom of being able to go outside on the farm, which is fenced in, and just be able to play all day. Not to mention being with their cousins. I know they love all their cousins from both sides of the families, but I know they're the closet to the Brignone cousins. Pete and I honestly don't think those kids have ever fought or argued with each other (unlike Clifford and Dominick, who butt heads all the time!). Dee wrote on my Facebook wall that over the weekend the boys went with her to some yard sales. Each were given a $1 to buy something, though Clifford was bummed there weren't any legos. They also had a hotdog and s'mores roast. Clifford was stoked that they let him have his own stick to roast it himself. I think on Sunday they went to church, though Kristjan was vague on the details, other than saying Emma got candy there (Kristjan is hilarious after he visits down there and goes to church with them. He'll come home with a million 'God or Jesus' questions for me. His curiosity is sweet). We called to talk to the boys last night. Kristjan was very talkative (as always). Clifford was more concerned about playing his lego star wars game on the Wii than to talk with us, since he was on a time limit to play :)

We are enjoying our alone time. But I have to be honest. I'm BORED!!!! As much as I get tired of the two fighting with each other and the constant attention they seem to want from me, I miss it. And the neighbor kids must miss them too because every day three different sets of kids come knocking on our backdoor to see if the boys are back home to play :)

Pete and I have gotten in and accomplished the little things around the house that we've been putting off. We organized our patio and the outdoor storage, as well as our spare bedroom. Pete is getting his camping gear ready for his nine-day hike. Even though it's two weeks away, I'm getting everything ready for the annual Nielsen Family Reunion. I have a pile of things ready to be packed in the car. I've also found some new recipes to make and share at the reunion. I've also got a pile ready to go for when the boys and I leave for our vacation to Yakima. When we come back on a Sunday from the reunion, the boys and I leave immediately that next Monday morning for Yakima, so I gotta have things organized to go.

Here is our huge family car-camping tent. We dug it out of storage on Saturday to air it out (it had a dank smell). If Cliff and family ends up coming to the reunion in his trailer, the boys will more than likely sleep with them. That means Pete and I will have that tent all to ourselves. I just don't know....think it's big enough???? :)

We also finally got around to adding some decals to our car. Most families put a 'stick figure' decal of their family up on their car. Not us. We're the "apple" family. Two big apples and two baby apples. I think it's clever :)

I can tell I'm just rambling on this post. Pete will be home soon and I haven't done anything except dishes. I better make myself look like I've been busy :)

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