Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Having kids with allergies, especially life-threatening ones, is hard. Having them enter public school having these allergies is extremely hard. Before any child with any allergy (especially one that requires medication) can attend school, a safety plan and meetings with certain school members must be done prior to the first day. I just received in the mail today paperwork from the boys' school nurse in regards to their allergies. Clifford's was just one page that I had to fill out. I was surprised receiving this because we never had to it fill it out for kindergarten. It's for his allergy to goat/horse/cat/dog. I understand they want to cover their butts from a legal standpoint, but really?? How many farm animals are going to be at school?????

As for Kristjan, the paperwork is a thick stack. I'm a little annoyed, though, because half of it is forms that I or the allergist already filled out and returned to the front office months prior to the start of summer vacation. It's reassuring that the school takes such allergies seriously, but I wish the school nurse was a little more organized. I sent an email to her verifying those forms are on file at the school. I also need to make sure I have all the appropriate medications bought and labeled, and taken to the school by the middle of August. I'm so grateful for health insurance. These meds are pricey, even with our insurance. By that time we should already find out who Kristjan has for his kindergarten teacher, and then set up a meeting(s) to make sure the safety plan is in check. I'm praying he gets Mrs. Castelle. I not only love her teaching style/curriculum, but I'm very familiar and comfortable with her classroom procedures for food allergies. *Fingers Crossed*

Summer vacation is just barely halfway over. I not only need to make sure I have everything lined up and taken care of for their allergies, but I already have to start buying school supplies and clothes! Plus I need to get on the ball and a purchase a Costco membership to buy lunch items in bulk (our membership expired over a year ago and we never renewed it). As much of a headache all of this can be, I can look at the bright side. First, knowing my kids will be safe outside of the home is comforting. Second, since I love to plan so much, I just need to somehow make this long back-to-school to-do list fun for me :)

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