Thursday, January 20, 2011

Clifford is 6 today!!!!
Wasn't it just yesterday that Clifford was born??!!

Some cool facts about Clifford's birth:

Notice how Clifford's body is all scrunched up and looks like a jelly bean in the first baby picture? That's how he came out; he was breached and his little baby butt was stuck in my pelvis (no wonder the inversion didn't work!). I bet he was happy to finally stretch his body out!

He was suppose to be a girl! Because Clifford was breached, I had numerous ultrasounds. Each time the nurse and doctor tried looking to see if the baby was a boy or a girl. And each time they could never get a definite answer. One time, the legs were split but of course the umbilical cord had to be going straight down in the middle, blocking everything (just our luck haha!). Even without a definite answer, our nurse and doctor said they were 95% sure the baby was a girl. Luckily, since it wasn't 100%, we bought a few items for both gender. On the day of the c-secion, as the baby was being pulled out, I'll never forget the excitement in Pete's voice as he laughed and said "Oooo, It's a boy!!"

Even before Clifford was born, Grandma Jane called the baby 'Junior". When Pete took Clifford out to see family in the waiting room, Grandma Jane saw the blue hat and exclaimed "It's a boy!" And to this day, she still calls him "Junior" (it's the only nickname he has).

We kept the name a secret. When deciding on a name for each gender, we started off with Christian Hans for a boy. As time went on, Pete decided he wanted to start a tradition. Since he was a 'second', named after his grandpa, then he wanted to name our son after his dad, making him a 'second' as well. We kept it a secret from Cliff (especially since we weren't sure on the gender). As I recovered in the recovery room, Pete took Clifford out to show everyone. From what I was told, someone asked about the name and Pete said "Clifford". I was told Cliff had a big grin on his face. Cliff joked with Pete, asking if Clifford had the 'Nielsen gap'. Pete, being hyped up on excitement, actually looked. Then Pete laughed at himself (since, of course, babies don't come with a set of teeth yet haha). It was fun keeping the name a little secret and surprising Cliff.

Here is a look at Clifford's past birthdays. He's growing up so fast!





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