Sunday, August 14, 2016

Barclay Lake

The day after boys and I returned home from our car-camping trip, we packed up the car yet again for a family backpacking trip to Barclay Lake. Peter really wanted to get out as a family, but I was just really exhausted. We came to a comprise: I'd go out with them if we did a short hike, and Barclay Lake is ridiculously short and an easy hike. So everyone was happy. We stayed for one night so we could still have most of Sunday to relax before the start of a new week. We had a pretty good time.

Everyone's ready to go!
 At the trailhead
 After we arrived at the lake and set up camp, Kristjan decided it was time for a siesta
 Chewie and Sheeba both enjoyed laying around the entire time
We enjoyed the surrounding views throughout our stay
Camp life. Boys in the tent with Peter 'n me in hammocks
 Peter and I tried floating out on the lake...we didn't last long as it was too cold
 Kristjan trying to take a selfie
 Peter and Clifford spent their time fishing
 Clifford caught a fish! Like Father, Like Son
Took time to take pics of everyone enjoying their time throughout the day
 Enjoying our "camp fire"
 We were still hungry after dinner, so Peter toasted up some bagels
 Bed Time!
 So at around 10 pm Saturday night, a group of young men decided to shoot off fireworks at their camp spot. Peter and I did NOT appreciate this. It woke Peter up and it scared the crap out of me, not to mention it scared Sheeba. She ended up ripping a hole in the tent trying to get out. We were pissed. Peter wanted to go over to them and give them a piece of his mind (among other things). Knowing that probably wouldn't end well, I calmed him down and gave him a better idea. We decided we would get up early and pack up. Since I knew what car was theirs, why not give them a flat tire? No major damage would be done, but it would definitely put a kink to their day. Peter loved the idea, and so that's what we did!
 Getting packed up to hike out

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