Wednesday, December 2, 2015

An Awful Start to My Tuesday...

Yesterday morning, after running a few morning errands, I came home to find this!!!
 UGH! I think we're cursed with the month of December in this house! Last December we discovered a leak between the bathroom and kitchen wall on Christmas Eve. Now this year, I came home to find a flood in our basement. I frantically searched to figure out where it was coming from. The only thing I had going while gone was the dishwasher. I searched the walls for water damage or dripping water, but all looked fine. The only thing I could think of was it had to be the water heater, but I couldn't find where the water was coming from at first glance. I immediately called Peter at work to share my discovery. He had the audacity to ask me "Are you sure the dogs didn't pee on the floor?" Ummm, NO!! Please give me some credit; I know the difference between a puddle of dog pee from a flood of water........

I ran upstairs to grab all our junk towels to try to clean up the mess (so far my biggest complaint for this fiasco...besides not having any hot water....was I didn't have enough towels to clean up the mess from the water).

I ended up calling Peter back at work and told him he needed to come home. Since he carpools, I had to go pick him up. Once he was home, he found where the water was coming from. So he turned the water off, started draining the tank and called our landlord. Then we were off to a few stores to price a new water heater. After about 2 hours out and about, we found one and bought it. Unfortunately, due to Black Friday sales, Lowes was booked out 10 days for delivery/install. UGH! We had them hold the water heater for us while we made arrangements to find someone with a car big enough to haul it home. Luckily, our buddy James could do it. That evening the guys picked it up. So we have it sitting in the house, but we can't hook it up until (hopefully) tonight. We need to let the wall dry and look at tearing up linoleum. The rest of the basement floor is concrete, so luckily any water damage should be minimal.

I just gotta say, I'm so grateful of Peter's skills. Any time something goes wrong or breaks, he can fix it!

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