Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First Day of School!!

Today is the first day of school!! (if you could see me, you'd see me doing a happy dance!) I got up this morning a little after 6:30am to get myself ready before the boys woke up. I wasn't in the shower more than 5 minutes when both boys bursted in, excited to get themselves ready for the day. We eventually all showered and ate breakfast. We headed up to the school a little earlier than we normally would to make sure we got parking. Kristjan and I walked Clifford to his classroom. His first grade teacher is Mrs. Webster. We met her yesterday at the meet 'n greet. She seems very nice. Clifford found his seat. He sits at one of the grouped tables in the front of the class and he has his own desk with a few of his own supplies in it (the rest of the supplies are shared). He has a few friends from last year's class with him: Trey, Evan, Keven and Bella (not the girlfriend Bella; the other Bella, who he also likes, but not as much lol). Grant is also in his class (Pete carpools with his mom), and he sits directly behind Clifford. I stuck around for a bit, getting Clifford situated, before I took off. He gave me a hug and a kiss, and even gave Kristjan a big hug!! No tears were involved this year (by me) with dropping Clifford off at school.

Clifford's first day of First Grade!

Rockin' the bakugan backpack (he also picked out a batman lunch bag)
Lining up for school
Clifford and his buddy Grant

Me and my big boy!!
Clifford and Grant again

At 12:30, it was Kristjan's turn to be dropped off at school. His teacher this year is Mrs. Castelle (who I requested). He was first in line for his class when we arrived at the school. He kept asking me "is it time to go in yet???" He was just so excited. When it was finally time for the class to go in, Kristjan gave me a big hug, waved goodbye and went right on in without any problems. And as for me??? I was so excited for 2 1/2 hours of FREEDOM!! I cranked the radio as loud as I could as I drove home. Then I quickly got in my bathing suit and headed to the pool!! I even managed a quick trip to the library to pick up some books on hold and finished up housework (it's amazing how quickly I can get things done when I don't have two kids constantly needing me or fighting with each other). At the end of the school day, I was anxious to pick the boys up and see how their first day went. Kristjan said he had fun. They sang songs like patty cake, learned a story about the gingerbread man, and actually made a gingerbread man they could eat. Clifford had a great day too. His teacher told me he was her right-hand man, helping to show new students where the bathroom was. I'm so happy the first day went smoothly for them. I want them to love school, as I did. Tonight the boys are taking it easy. Homework hasn't been sent home yet, though it will in the next few weeks. I'm sure by the end of this week both boys will be exhausted (hopefully) with their new scheduled routine.

Kristjan eating his lunch before getting ready for school. Since kindergarten is half day, he eats lunch at home. I pack him a lunch when I do Clifford's so all Kristjan has to do is grab it out of the fridge.
Kristjan's first day of Kindergarten!!!

First in line for his class
Waving bye to me before heading in to class

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