Sunday, September 25, 2011

Date Night at the Cinnebarre

Peter's boss Andy made him a deal a few weeks back. If Pete took a 6am flight out of Seattle for his St. Louis business trip, then Romac would pay for Pete to take me out on a date, as long as the bill totalled no more than $100. I liked this offer, since I was the one who had to get up at 3am to get ready and drag the boys out to make sure Pete made his flight on time. So last night we went out on our date. I got dressed up in a skirt, hair and makeup done, even squirting on some perfume, and wearing some jewelry (I haven't done any of this all summer long lol). Our friends Mel and James were kind enough to come over and watch the boys for us. Our date destination was to the Cinnebarre in Mount Lake Terrace (just two exits away from our house!). Pete and I had read about this place a few months back in a magazine, but had forgotten about it until a friend mentioned that she had recently went there. The Cinnebarre is our new favorite place!! It's a movie theater for 21+. You take your seat in the theater, and while watching your movie, you can order drinks and food! If you arrive early, you meet your waitress and can place your order. If you decide you want something else while the movie is playing, you simply fill out your order on the order form and place is standing up so your waitress can see it. She'll come down, grab the order, and shortly later your order arrives! And the food isn't the typical 'theater food'. You can order alcohol, popcorn actually comes out in a big bowl (not some plastic container!), and you can order delicious appetizers, pizzas, burgers or sandwiches. And the names for everything are named after movie titles (very clever!). Pete and I decided ahead of time to split anything we ordered. So we had a pitcher of 'Pulp Fiction' (mimosa), 'Body Snatchers' (fried potato skins), and a 'Rocky' sandwich (philly cheese steak). The movie we picked was 'Killer Elite', which was pretty good. We had a fantastic time. I can't wait to go back!!

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