Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Current Events

The last week and a half has been fun for us (there's a hint of sarcasm in that sentence). Things started out great. We attended Pete's company picnic on a Saturday afternoon followed by a drive down to Olympia to have a bbq dinner with friends Devon 'n Erin and Daniel 'n Jessica. And then that's when things started going downhill for us. Daniel and Devon like to wrestle whenever they get together. Now, in the past, whenever we're at get-togethers with both of them, Pete has been smart enough not to participate, knowing he'd probably get hurt.....that is, until that night. I ran an errand to the grocery store with Jessica and Erin when Pete thought it would be a good idea to wrestle Devon (who looks like Vin Diesel). Pete didn't win the match, of course. And he seemed fine, though a little sore the next day. All was fine for us...until Monday. Then everything got worse. Kristjan and I woke up horribly sick (he performed a scene from the Exorcism in his bathroom, which I had to clean up after I finished puking because Pete decided to go back to bed). So both of us was sick all day, lying around, and couldn't even keep water down. Luckily, whatever we had only lasted 24 hours. But then Clifford got it the next day (turns out there was a total of nine of us who got sick with whatever this was: me, Clifford, Kristjan, Devon, Ashleigh, Daniel, Damian, Donavan and Jessica). While all this sickness is going on, Pete is having pain in his sternum. After a trip to the doctor and some x-rays, it's confirmed he badly bruised his sternum, which can take up to six weeks to heal. All I can say is, what a Jackass! What was he thinking wrestling the big guys?! So we dealt with all that, then packed up for a backpacking trip for Labor Day weekend (post on that later). We came home from camping to immediately pack Pete up for a work trip to St. Louis. And that brings us to today. Boys and I had to get up and drive Pete to the airport to make a 6am flight. He's gone until Friday. Meanwhile, I'm home taking care of the boys and getting them ready for the first day of school tomorrow. Fun times....fun times.

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