Saturday, February 19, 2011

Clifford and Bella sittin' in a tree....


It was so adorable on Thursday when Pete and I went to pick Clifford up from school. So Clifford likes Bella, who happens to be the one who gave him a kiss on his cheek (which I blogged about in an earlier post). We were walking away from the school to our car, and Bella and her dad happened to be walking in the same direction. Bella kept yelling "Bye Clifford" until Clifford finally paid her attention. I looked over at her and she goes "I'm Bella. I'm in his class". I replied back "Clifford talks a lot about you". She then says "I talk about Clifford a lot too!". Pete and I both smiled and chuckled. We're all still walking in the same direction and Bella runs over to Clifford and says "walk with me over here". So Clifford and Bella are walking together, Pete and I are smiling and thinking how cute this is, and then Kristjan goes "ah, you're walking with Bella!", with a look and sound of teasing in his voice of 'that's your girlfriend'. Clifford immediately tries to hide his smile and mumbles "yea yea. be quiet Kristjan". They continue walking with each other until it's time to part ways at our cars and say goodbye to each other. It was so dang cute!!!!

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