Monday, January 4, 2010

Bye Bye Max

Max is a great dog. We couldn't have asked for a more obedient, loving dog. Since getting Max, however, the boys have been having some issues. Both boys have been tested and are allergic to dogs. But they don't always have an allergy issue with all dogs that they've come in contact with. They've been fine, for example, around Chica, Pete's parents chihuahua, yet they both can't be around Pugs, Uncle Carl's pug dog. We were hoping there wouldn't be an issue with Max. But there was. Ever since getting him (we had him for less than a week), everyday the boys' eyes were red, they'd be coughing or sniffling, and it just never seemed to improve. And we didn't want to keep our boys drugged up on benedryl everyday, so on Sunday morning it was decided that we would need to find our Max a new home. And we did! I'm really sad about it, but I know he's with an excellent family. We met with them and talked for a bit. Even later Sunday evening Max's new "mom" emailed me to say he was adjusting just fine and if I ever wanted to see pics of him in the future, that she would be more than happy to send me some. I guess we're just not meant to have a dog. Or we have to at least wait until we have a fenced yard and then we can have an outside dog. Bye Bye Max!

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