Tuesday, September 10, 2019


Peter had a work trip to attend IBIE in Vegas....and I got to tag along!!! It was his second time in Vegas, my first. We were only there for two days, but I didn't care. I was just so excited to go with him! The show itself was a lot of fun, and walking the strip that night was even better. I already can't wait to go back and be able to stay a length of time to see everything we missed this go around.

At the airport. It was soooo early.
 On the plane waiting to take off!
 Walking in to the hotel. It's like only 9 am at this point.
 IBIE was walking distance from our hotel. So after we checked out bags in at the front desk we made our way over. It was so cool to attend this. My name badge had Peter's company on it, so everyone would try to chat me up as if I was in the business. 
 There were lots of samples!
Photo Op! 
 Of course I poked his belly!
 Free Pie! You could take a slice of every flavor!
Peter's company's booth.
 Peter geeked out a lot at this show.
 Peter and two of his co-workers.
 Walking back to our hotel
 Our room was big!
 Waiting for our first Uber ride!
 Walking the strip, taking in all the sites.
We went up to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
 Cheesy pose the photographer had everyone do,
 The next morning we headed back to the show for one last walk around before heading to the airport. I bought some sprinkles to take home for myself and Franie.
 This was the most ridiculous thing ever! They had performers kneading dough ever so slowly.
 Back at the hotel before grabbing our bags to head to the airport. Peter was soooo exhausted with his foot. But he was a trooper!
 One last drink and meal in Vegas before flying home.
 I really wanted a pic of me at the Welcome to Vegas sign. This was at the airport right before we flew out. Good Enough.
 On the plane to head back home to the boys.

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