Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Trip to the Hospital to Start the Weekend

We really thought last weekend was going to be low-key for us compared to the last two weeks. Nope. Clifford had other ideas for that....

Boys and I having a good morning before they head off to school. At least we had a good start to the day :)

So our weekend started off waiting for Mickey and Cliff (along with 3 cousins) to arrive for a weekend visit in their hotel on, I mean motor home :). They gave us a call and said they had just taken an exit off I-5 when they got into a little fender bender (little for them, not so little for the other cars involved!). Luckily, everyone was ok, but that sort of set the tone for what was to come later that Friday afternoon.

At 1:30, boys get out of school for the day, and shortly thereafter family arrives. We're all chit-chatting with one another and observing the motor home when the kids ask to go to the school playground to play. We let them go, some on bikes and some on foot. At this point I go inside the house to take care of a few things, leaving Peter and his parents outside. About 10 minutes later I can hear a kid outside telling the adults that someone got hurt, followed by a child crying. I make my way outside when I recognize the child crying as Clifford. As I get to the end of the driveway I see all the adults huddling around Clifford, walking him back home. I first shout out "Is his face ok?" (soccer pics where the next morning...priorities lol), but then I look down and he's cradling his arm. "Oh no, this has to be a band-aid fix". I really thought at first it was a broken arm. I really, really didn't want to make a hospital trip (nor get the bill for one....we've lucked out and not had to make a trip since Kristjan's appendix ordeal). One look at Clifford's hand told me immediately we needed to have it looked at. In between me running to grab my purse and Peter taking pics, Clifford mumbled that he hurt himself on his bike (come to find out he was trying to ride up the curb and he crashed, somehow smashing his hand). Poor Clifford. He was white as a ghost and kept mumbling he was going to pass out. This child LOVES the Walking Dead and blood and gore that comes along with it, but when it's his own, he just can't handle it.


Everyone else stayed behind while Peter and I took Clifford to the hospital. All in all the experience was a breeze. Luckily for Clifford, his hand wasn't broken and didn't require any stitches. In fact, other than being in pain and scraped up bad, the swelling had gone down and it looked much better by the time they cleaned it and wrapped it up. He just had to wear a splint for a few days. I hadn't realized it until we were at the hospital, but Clifford fell on his handle bars and had an imprint on his stomach. The doctor checked him there as well, and luckily no organs were hurt. He was just going to be one sore boy for the next few days! When we left the hospital, we offered to get him an ice cream cone (per Papa's instructions), but he declined.

So that was our BIG excitement for the weekend. The rest of the weekend went as follows....

Mama and Papa treated us out to dinner. Clifford got to pick anywhere/anything he wanted. He's a huge fan lately of Boston's, so that's where we went
 Checking out Clifford's hand the next morning
 Boys had their soccer pics
 We went to Kristjan's soccer game (unfortunately, but as expected, Clifford couldn't play at his game due to his injury)
After the soccer games, we had a hot dog roast in our backyard, followed by dessert and a movie 
 The boys slept in the motor home with their cousins each night they were here, so Saturday night when everyone went to bed, Peter and I took advantage of some evening freedom and went out on a date. We hit up Goodwill and Target to do some looking around (below is Peter looking good and modeling a jacket!), and then grabbed a late night snack before heading home.
 After family left Sunday afternoon, boys attended a birthday party for their friend Thailan. 

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