Wednesday, October 28, 2015

A Pinterest-Themed Halloween Party

Last week we attended a pinterest-themed Halloween Party. One of the gals from my mom's group hosts a Halloween party every year, and we were invited to it this year. Basically, everyone was to bring a pinterest inspired side dish and enough treats to handout to each child as they went around "trick or treating" in the house during the costume parade. Having an idea of what moms would be in attendance with their children, I told the boys they couldn't dress up in their costumes, that they had to be something less scary (insert *eye roll* right here from Peter). For a few years I've been wanting to re-create the boys dressed as Thing One, Thing Two, so this was perfect timing for me. After negotiating with the boys, and agreeing to paying them $5 each to wear the costume, we had a deal that they would let me dress them up for this party. And they looked good! Well worth the money I had to bribe them with...

As for the party, it was fun. We didn't really see the boys at all the entire time we were there, as they were busy running around with their friends. That gave us a chance to talk and catch up with our adult friends. The majority of the age group of kids in attendance was 7 and under, so there was a lot of screaming and crying since I'm sure most of these kids were over stimulated and up way past their bedtimes. After listening to it for a few hours, once the costume parade was over with, we said our thank-yous to the host and worked on making our way home.

Thing One, Thing Two!
 Halloween 2007 
(Clifford 2, Kristjan 1)
 Halloween 2015
(Clifford 10, Kristjan 9)
 The Halloween treat I made to hand out
 My side dish. Turned out super cute!!
 Boys with their friends as they (patiently) wait in line for the costume parade to start
The group of kids at the party (minus a few toddlers who waited out in the hallway)

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