Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Annette Lake

Two weeks ago we went out for our March backpacking trip. This month's destination was Annette Lake. We left on a Friday as soon as Pete got off work and returned home Saturday by lunch time. The hike in was great. We set up camp, got a fire going, and started on dinner, all while it was still daylight out. This trip we tried out using two tents instead of one big one. We've been talking about doing this, now that the boys are getting bigger. The idea of using two tents is great, but the tent that we used for the boys wasn't ideal. Last summer they were given a kid tent by a friend, and they've been bugging us to let them use it. It's definitely NOT for backpacking. It (of course!) started raining during the middle of the night (and never stopped!), and water leaked in to their tent. They now understand why it should just be a play tent. The next morning, I was ready to leave. Just like the last two camping trips, I had issues falling asleep and didn't really sleep at all. I really just wanted to go home and take a nap. So once we were all awake, Peter worked on making breakfast while I worked on packign up gear. The hike out easy-peasy. Our motivation, as it is with every hike out, was donuts and juice waiting for us at the car. And like our previous two trips, we went home to enjoy a hot shower, put on some comfy pj's, and ordered Chinese take-out for dinner. Three trips down, nine more to ! :)

Two views that we saw while on our hike
While on our last water break before reaching the lake, I happened to glance over at Kristjan and saw this on his hands. I started freaking out (!). Peter I were racking our brains, trying to think if he ate something that caused this (though his face looked fine), or if something had gotten on the strap of the hiking poles he was using. It wasn't until Kristjan mentioned that he had brushed up against some plants...Phew. Stinging Nettle...mystery solved!
 Our first view as we reached the lake
Sheeba loves these trips
 Family Selfie
 Working on setting up camp
 The view from our spot
 Getting a campfire going
 Tucking boys and Sheeba in for bed
 Family pic the morning before hiking out. We were drenched.

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