Sunday, April 8, 2012

An EGG-cellent Easter

We had an egg-cellent Easter weekend! :)

We originally had plans to celebrate with Daniel and his family, but he decided to change plans so we stayed home (and this gave me the opportunity to try out tons of new delicious recipes from Pinterest. I was in the kitchen a lot this weekend, but well worth it!) . We started Friday night off by grilling up some hamburgers for dinner and relaxing, happy knowing the weekend had finally arrived. Saturday morning we took the boys to the community egg hunt that we've attended the last two years. They got their face painted and balloon animals made for them. When it was time for the egg hunt, both boys dashed onto the grassy field with all the other excited kids. It was controlled chaos. We had a lot of fun. There was a scary moment for me though. I saw a lost little girl about 1 years old crying and walking around near us. I kept my eye on her, but no one else was helping her even though it was obvious people could tell she was lost. So I went over to her and helped her find her parents (scary!!!!!!). When the egg hunt was over, we left and grabbed some lunch before running a few errands. Once home, the boys stayed outside the rest of the day playing with the neighbor kids. And it was a gorgeous, warm, sunny day for us. We spent the rest of our day with our neighbors bbqing, swimming, and dying easter eggs. It had been a long busy day for everyone. I think all the adults were falling asleep where they sat before deciding to head home. I know Clifford was fast asleep once his head hit his pillow. Sometime during the night the Easter Bunny made a visit to our house. He left a basket full of goodies for Clifford and Kristjan, as well as hiding easter eggs all through the house. Pete and I amazingly got to sleep in a bit while they hunted for the eggs (very nice!!). Easter Sunday was another beautiful sunny day. We spent the day lounging outside, smoking a brisket for dinner, and then ending our day with a quick evening trip to the lake. We had such a wonderful weekend! Hope y'all did too!

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