Friday, March 16, 2012

An unexpected request!

I received an unexpected email this afternoon from the gal who is heading up the nominating committee for the PTA (who also happens to be the mom of one of Clifford's buddies). She asked if I would be interested in being nominated for the next years position on the PTA Board for either President, Secretary or Membership.

We know that you would be a great leader within our PTA and are hoping you will consider filling one of our vacant board positions, she wrote to me.

OMG!!! I was seriously surprised by this! And what an honor to even be considered for such positions. I received a small list detailing the duties for each position. Membership didn't sound like fun, and as awesome as it would be to be President, I just have too much on my plate at the moment to even attempt such a responsibility. The duties for Secretary, however, sounded right up my alley. I would be in charge of the weekly Hot Sheet (weekly newsletter sent home with students), keep minutes at all PTA meetings, and participate in all PTA-sponsored activities. I think I can handle that.

A few weeks ago the PTA president asked if I would take on the task of being in charge of the PTA clothing (fulfill orders for sweatshirts, t-shirts, etc; keep track of inventory; to sell items at certain school functions). I was excited to be asked to tackle on this particular task. Now I'm over the moon at just being nominated for the PTA Board!! I'm not sure when I find out if I'm elected, but I'm assuming before the end of this school year. Wish me luck! :)

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