Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day

With my Grandpa's passing still feeling a bit recent, I invited my mom and grandma over to spend the early portion of Mother's Day at my house. They made the drive over from Yakima, and they visited with us. I made a nice lunch, gave them a few gifts, and we played a few games. Since they still had a two-hour drive home, they left around 2 pm. It was a nice get-together, and we're glad they could come.

As for the rest of the day...meh. There were some great from the kids, breakfast, a trip to the beach, dinner. But other than that....this holiday could disappear and I'd be fine with that. Less disappointment. I suppose I'm crazy to want ONE day where I don't plan the day.  ONE day to feel appreciated. ONE day where I don't feel like some maid. No, I don't want to tell people what I want. I just want something done for me...something they think of and do. I didn't think I'm that difficult of a person to figure out what to do for. I'm always planning everything. Is it really that much to want others to take the lead? It's caused arguments in the past, my way of thinking.... I'm told I need to just say what I want (though that's missing the point), so this year I wrote a list out: a menu of what is to be served and what I wanted done ("gift ideas" is what I called it. only one thing was done/given, and only because I slightly nagged about it). That didn't even work. I can't seem to win. 

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