Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Summer Vacation - Week 4

Here is how we've spent week 4 of our Summer Vacation....

Boys are still down in Yakima visiting Pete's family until this coming Sunday. Peter and I are loving our so-called freedom, as we know it will be months and months before we get a break like this again from the boys. Yet, we're missing them like crazy. What helps is knowing they're having a lot of fun down there. We get nightly phone calls before bed (with an occasional text in the morning) and the boys share with us what they've been up to. Here are a few pics that Mama Mickey has shared on Facebook...

Boys Skype-ing with their Aunt Marie
 Boys and Cousins enjoying their personal pizzas they made for dinner next to their "Indian Village"
 Playing in some river mud. To quote my mother-in-law, she said it was "like watching baby elephants play" LOL
As for Peter and I, we went backpacking last weekend. On Thursday night as we were up super late packing up our gear, my mood started to turn a little sour and I started wishing we weren't going. I'm so glad we went though because the trip was AMAZING! We left Friday after Pete got off of work and made it to the trail head around 6 pm. The views on our hike were gorgeous. The trail itself was simple, but it was a constant up, so I was a bit slow in my pace. Our destination goal was to make it to Mason Lake, but upon arrival most camp spots were taken. We decided to hike on to Rainbow Lake and see what it had to offer. That was a good choice because that lake was beautiful, and with the the exception of a few day hikers that popped in, we basically had the entire lake to ourselves the whole weekend. All day Saturday was spent between napping and swimming in the lake. We even used our sleeping pads as rafts and floated ourselves across to the other side. Sunday morning we quickly made breakfast and packed up in hopes to beat the scorching afternoon sun on our hike out. We made it out and to the car just minutes shy of Noon. Our only complaint about this trip was the bugs. After I got home and showered I tried to count how many I had. I stopped counting once I reached 19 bites on my face alone (!!). Otherwise, we had a fantastic time and look forward to going back, but this time with our boys :)

Start of our hike
 Not a bad pic of me...considering by this point I was hot and sweaty and exhausted
 Our view hiking
 View of Mt Rainier
 View of I-90
 Sheeba devouring her food once we found a camp spot
 Our view of the lake....only 5 steps away from the water!
 Peter taking a nightly dip...I went in myself shortly after
 The moon as it started to rise...gorgeous and bright both nights. Didn't really need to use a head lamp.
 We ate dinner via candle light
 Dinner our first night.....BEST IDEA EVER! after a long hike
 Floating the lake
 Sheeba lying in the bushes trying to escape the heat and bugs
 Peter taking an afternoon snooze out on the lake
 Panoramic view from our camp spot
 Sunday morning as we hiked out
 This was Mason glad we didn't stay here

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