Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Second Apartment Fire!

A few Sundays ago our apartment complex had another fire!! I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard the outside fire alarms go off. I peaked out the window to see our next door neighbor Robert running outside shouting. I threw on some clothes and went outside. I could see smoke and it looked like it was right over the apartments across from our back door (the same building that had a fire last November). Turned out it was actually the building behind that one. Robert and his wife, Jerray (upstairs neighbor), and Pete ran over to the building and started banging on doors to get people out. I could see smoke billowing out of a second-floor apartment's dryer vent and bathroom windows. The men then began working on kicking down the door to make sure no one was trapped inside. Numerous fire trucks and police cars started to arrive by this time (Seriously, the amount that came was insane!!). No time was wasted to put out the fire. The residents in six apartments ended up being displaced. The unit where the fire occurred and the one right above it received the most damage. Everyone couldn't believe this happened a second time in seven months!! Turns out the cause for this fire was a freak accident (compared to the first one, which the consensus is it was caused by some crack monkey). The resident of the unit had just washed some oils that had soaked up some cooking oil. From the heat of being in the dryer and still some oil residue on the rags, they combusted and caught on fire! Crazy!

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