Tuesday, October 25, 2011

This and That...

With the upcoming holidays, daily routines, and me now working, life is picking up speed in our house. I'm having a little difficulty trying to keep up and adapt to a new routine AND still be organized. Here are some 'this and that' happenings....

*Proud to announce both boys had their 6 month dental check up and NO CAVITIES!!!

*We went in for our yearly family eye exams. A few years down the road, I'm going to have to wear glasses (I'm far sighted). And both boys are a little far sighted as well. Kristjan now has a prescription to wear glasses, though the doctor said he technically doesn't need to wear them for another year or two.

*Kristjan was sent home with a letter for school saying he'll be in the Title 1 Reading Program. I guess he needs a little extra help. When we do homework, though, I see the same issues we had with Clifford (though Clifford is perfectly on track on where he needs to be now!), yet Clifford didn't need to be in this class. So we're a little baffled as to why Kristjan is in this program. We attended an informational meeting last week. The ladies in charged weren't even going to talk about kindergarteners until I raised my hand and asked what he would learn from this (they spoke lengthly on grades 1-6 ). His parent-teacher conference is this Thursday, so I'm going to inquire more details on this (though it wasn't his teacher who recommended him for the class; it was someone else during the school's eye exam).

*I'm still working. Last week was week 2 on the job. I was really stressed because my job at home was starting to lack (housework). The paycheck is really nice to have, though :)

*I've added more things to my plate. I just volunteered to help out in Kristjan's class three days a week (30 minutes each day) during writing time. I also volunteered to bake up a dessert for tonights 'teacher appreciation dinner', as well as miscellaneous baked goods for the bake sale this Friday at the school's Harvest Festival. I'm also volunteering to help set up for that event Friday afternoon.

*Pete may go on yet another business trip. This time to San Francisco.

*With me now working and Pete (hopefully) gets another raise here soon, we're already talking about moving. We've been on the fence for a long time now about buying a house or continue renting, the pros and cons of each. We think we've decided to continue renting. We checked out another apartment complex that is literally a 10 minute walk to our work. It's in the school district we've been wanting for the boys. The place is an upgrade from where we live now. In fact, it's nice enough that we could see ourselves living there forever (the layout feels more like a home and not like an apartment). So we're discussing what our new set of finances would look like in preparation of moving there. Wish us luck!

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