Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Boys Visiting Yakima

The day after the Fourth both boys went with Mama and Papa down to Yakima for the remainder of the month to visit. This was a much needed break for all of us, though boys did try to convince us to have them come home early, but that was so they could hang out with friends and play video games. 

Here they are at some sort of activity with their cousins
 At church - Kristjan looks thrilled
 Game Night with cousins and Uncle Steve
 Kristjan found a snake in Mama Mickey's garden
 Days were spent swimming
 The boys went out for free Slurpee Day - TWICE! Guess the pics Aunt Dee took at the first visit didn't save to her phone, so they went to get another slurpee. Lucky boys!
 Clifford text me pics of his awesome moves at the skate park
 A week or two after the boys went down, Peter and I had to come down to Yakima so we could go visit with my family.

We learned Clifford is now a master at making Jello
Memorized by a video game
 The three youngest Brignone boys were all smiles with the surprise toys we brought down for them.
 I do hope that underwear was clean!
 Evening swim
 These Muppet toys were so cool
 Kristjan helping Mama Mickey bottle feed some baby goats
 Kristjan petting our future dinner
 One of the main reasons the boys were in Yakima was so they could participate in Trek at the end of the month with their cousins. I guess one of the rules to attend is you can't have crazy color hair. While Peter and I were visiting, we picked up some product to try to bleach Kristjan's hair. It didn't really take, so Mama Mickey ended up cutting it off. Kristjan looked amazing at the end result. 
 Kristjan BEFORE and AFTER
 Clifford asked to have his hair trimmed up too.
 After Peter and I left to go back home, the boys continued doing their thing down in Yakima. Here Clifford learned to make no-bake cookies from start to finish.
Video of Kristjan eating a jalapeno pepper from Mama Mickey's garden.
 Kristjan hung out with Aunt Dee at the Selah Farmers Market selling homemade slime.
 The boys helping Mama Mickey harvest potatoes from her garden.
 It came time for the boys to go to Trek. Here they are in their outfits. Peter and I were so excited for them to go have this experience. Peter did it himself when he was young, and had nothing but great things to say about it. I hope one day the boys themselves can look back and think the same thing.
 Boys with Howard and Emma heading back from their time at Trek

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