Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fourth of July 2009

Fourth of July Weekend came and went way to quick. Pete had that Friday off and he really wanted us to go family camping. So we got ourselves packed up and headed to Snoqualmie Pass. Our destination was Snow Lake. The weather was super nice and hot out (i really wanted to just lay outside by the pool). The hike itself was fine and the boys did great. Once we got to the top where you then hike down to the lake, we found out that the lake was still frozen AND there's still snow everywhere. Well, for Pete, a little bit of snow wasn't going to stop him. So we hiked down the side of the mountain in the snow. I mostly fell on my butt and slid down for a majority of it. The boys thought that was hilarious. We found a good spot and camped out overnight. Sleeping at night sucked. Pete wanted me and him to sleep outside in our bags while the boys where in the tent. We weren't out there long when we decided to climb in the tent with the boys. It was an AWFUL night. It was cramped and cold in that small tent. Plus Kristjan ended up peeing in his sleeping bag. By the next morning, I was ready to get out of there. Luckily hiking back up the snowy mountain wasn't too bad. We made good time hiking out. By the time we made it home, i think it was after 4pm. We cleaned ourselves up and went swimming at the pool. Afterwards we went to the store to pick up some food to bbq. Clifford really wanted some crab, so Pete let him pick out the crab that he wanted to eat. So we got that and a few steaks and some awesome salads and headed home. We sat in front of the tv eating some scrumptious food when the fireworks started going off. We walked down to Martha Lake to watch the fireworks for a bit, but it was still a little too light out. On our walk back home, which by then it was dark enough to really see the fireworks, people were out in the middle of the street just shooting off the fireworks they bought. It was fun to watch.

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