Valentine's Day this year was uneventful for us. Boys had their "
friendship" parties at school. I instructed Kristjan to not eat any candy until he came home. Clifford, however, ate
all of his in class and didn't have any to bring home (surprise! surprise!). We fixed up an ordinary dinner before heading over to the Hazard's house to plan the scout's Blue & Gold party (I'm on PTA with Shane, his wife Sherri is the scout's treasurer, and both their boys go to school/scouts with our boys). The next evening was the school's Valentine Dance. Shane and I set up the dance. Earlier that day I baked up some goodies for the bake sale. Clifford did a bit a dancing that evening, but mainly hung out with his friend Matthew. They scammed me and Matthew's mom all night: Clifford would get money from me for treats and then share with Matthew. Then Matthew would get money from his mom for treats and share with Clifford. They thought they had us fooled, but we both knew what was going on. Kristjan didn't really dance, though he did participate in the Limbo, and ate a lot of candy. By the end of it all, both boys were wired. Pete ditched me at the dance to go grocery shopping for his camping trip the next day. As I said, very uneventful. I think next year Valentine's Day falls on a Friday. Maybe we'll plan ahead and do something fun.
Boys made their own Valentine's
Valentine treats for
Clifford 'n Kristjan's teachers
Treats for the bake sale (the cupcake
is a layer of brownie and a layer of cake!)

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