Last week we attended Multicultural Night at the boys' school. IT WAS A BLAST!! Kristjan's class has been working on a China unit (his teacher went there last summer as some sort of teaching program), so they put together a Museum of Chinese History and Culture. Other families in the school set up tables from their countries, such as Mexico, Bulgaria, etc. Everyone was invited to attend, and to bring a dish from their culture to share, or simply their favorite family dish if they didn't have one. I decided to go with Pete's side, which is Danish. Since we went 2 hours early to help set up for the event, I wanted to bring something that I didn't have to worry about refrigeration or keeping warm. I ended up finding a recipe for
Danish Butter Cookies. They turned out pretty tasty. I had Pete taste-test them, and he said they reminded him of the ones his Uncle Mike would have out when he visited as a kid that you buy in the blue tins. So once the event started, the fun began. There were soooo many samples of various foods, many which were oh-so-delicious. And there was also numerous performances from students showing off their culture (whether in song, dance, poem etc). The event was also a wonderful chance to meet other parents whom we wouldn't normally have a chance to talk to. Unfortunately we didn't stay for the entire thing since it went past our bedtime and we were already exhausted to begin with. I really hope the school does this again next year.
Miscellaneous displays made by a few classes

Denmark looks a little lonely. But my cookies were a hit. The dish was empty an hour into the festivities.
Mexico's table rocked!!! The food was AMAZING!

Bulgaria was another favorite. The kids in the second pic were practicing before their stage performance.

Nothing says USA than a side of mac 'n cheese and a slice of apple pie!
Museum of Chinese History and Culture

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