Last Monday Clifford had his preschool graduation. Pete was unable to leave work to attend, so I had to take all the kids by myself. It was very entertaining with me trying to juggle to video tape the ceremony with one camera and take pictures with another while also having to occasionally tell Kristjan and Damien to behave (half way through Donovan woke up, so then I had to hold him). Clifford was so cute singing and dancing! I held it together until it was time for him to get his 'diploma', then the tears started coming. He looked so grown up standing next to his teacher, wearing his little graduation cap he made. After the ceremony we headed to the park for the class picnic. Clifford ran around and played with his friends. The teachers gave each student a plastic bucket full of little treats. I went around and took some pictures of Clifford with his friends and teachers. It's a little sad knowing Clifford is now done with preschool, but it's also exciting to see what's in store for his next adventure-kindergarten!!!
singing the 'itsy bitsy spider'
Clifford with his teacher Mrs. Bowers
Clifford with Mrs. K (teacher assistant)
Clifford and his best bud Ben
Clifford and his other best bud Chase
the 'three musketeers'
Clifford and Lindsey (his 'girlfriend'!)
Clifford and Sophie
Clifford and Malina
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