Damien was pretty good for me, although Pete had to get after him just a few times for misbehaving. There were only two causalities where blood was shed. On two separate accidents, both Kristjan and Damien ended up with bloody lips. Out of the three older boys, the 'problem' kid was actually Clifford. For whatever reason he just had a bad attitude and wouldn't listen all week. I think Clifford was a bit over stimulated with having his cousins around for such an extended period of time because there were a few times he asked to take a bath by himself to have some 'alone time'.
Donovan is a really good baby. He only really cries if he's super hungry or needs a burp. It was a major adjustment going from parenting 4/5 year olds back to caring for a 4 month old baby. The hardest part for me, other than having to get up so many times during the night, is the 'sitting around' part when feeding him. I would sit there and see all the things that I needed to get done in the house, or the boys would take advantage of my immobility and do things they weren't suppose to do. A friend who knew I was babysitting them asked if I wanted "to try for another". My answer-"Heck NO!!!" I am completely content with my life and the boys that I have. I enjoy having them potty trained and sleeping through the night. It's also nice not having all that bulky 'baby gear' in the house. Plus, I know I'm way too selfish.
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