Monday, July 11, 2016

Yakima Visit

Over the weekend we made a trip down to Yakima. My mom needed some help with cleaning out her house, so we spent all day Saturday doing just that. Peter tackled the garage to go through all of my Grandpa's boxes while I helped my mom go through closets and cupboards inside. Both Peter and I were surprised and proud of my mom for finally getting rid of things she doesn't need. And she purged a lot. That evening we made her an early birthday dinner and dessert since we won't be able to make it down on her actual birthday. Then on Sunday her and Jane took the boys to the movies while Peter and I hit up the farmer's market and cruised the town a bit. In the afternoon we drove the boys back out to Peter's parents house to drop them off for two weeks!

Random Pics of the Weekend

Chica (in-laws dog) decided to come cuddle up to me on the couch. She's been around a while... they got her when Clifford was only a couple months old. We joke when we come to visit "you're still around?" She's getting so old :(
 Sunny Blue Skies!
 Kristjan making friends with our future dinner!
 We stopped by mid-day to borrow a truck. Dee and Mickey getting ready to can pickles.
 Sheeba relaxing
 Munching on dinner
 Peter dishing up peach cobbler for dessert
Selfie with my nephew Riley
Boys hanging out while waiting to head over to Grandma's house 
 While boys went to the movies, Peter and I went out to lunch. Best Mexican Food EVER!

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