Last Wednesday, the boys and I were invited to go to Wild Waves with our friend Anne and her two boys, as well as a few other friends who met up with us there. Back in December when Wild Waves had a great deal going on for season passes, a bunch of my mom friends bought for themselves and their kids. One of the perks is each person gets so many guest passes (which is how we were able to go). Since we'd never been there before, plus I'm a wuss when it comes to fast slides/rides, I wasn't sure if it would be worth us getting the season pass. After going and spending a day there, I realized a few things. 1) That maybe getting the passes would actually be good for next summer (but only if we're able to take advantage of the December deal), 2) You need to make a handful of visits in order to get your moneys worth and do everything, and 3) Get there and park long before the place opens (We didn't leave until close to 10. Traffic was fine, but the side street just to turn into the line for the main entrance was a good 30 minute wait. Plus, by that point, the lines for everything were too long to mess with) . When we finally made it in (pack a lunch and eat at the lines were never-ending!), it was ridiculously busy insdie. I'm really afraid to see what it's like on the weekends. The lines for the water slides were very long, so as far as water was concerned, our group ended up only doing the lazy river, hot tub and the wave pool. There were a few times were it was hard to keep track of all the boys in the pool area, which made us nervous. Then, it wasn't until it was about two hours until closing that we made our way over to the side of Enchanted Village, which again, lines were long and the boys were only able to do four rides before we needed to leave. Overall, even though it was stressful at times, Wild Waves is fun. A person just needs to have the understanding that this place is going to busy with lots of people. I do hope we are able to go again this summer, and to be able to take Peter along (he was bummed he couldn't come along).
Mandatory group picture before we let them run into the water
Unfortunately, the sun didn't make an appearance until later in the day when we were done with the water park section. It got a little cold at times.
A few more friends arrived as we waited at the lazy river
Hanging out in the hot tub
We finally made it over to the rides. This was the first one they went on with their friend Jackson

So this was the second ride they went on. Kristjan, who had seen this from the car on our way there, was the one who just HAD to go on it. He's like "that's awesome". So they waited in line about 20 min before it was their turn. Oh Boy, watching them on the ride was hilarious!!! The ride only made about 5 complete circles around, so it wasn't a very long ride. But the look on Clifford's face was priceless!! I honestly couldn't tell if he was going to throw up or pass out (hahaha), and he was holding on for dear life! As for Kristjan, I couldn't really see him as the ride was going, but as it started slowing down, I noticed he was hunched forward, like his head was on his lap. I yelled at Clifford asking if Kristjan was ok (he said he was) because I thought maybe he had passed out! They were all smiles when they finally exited the ride, but said they never wanted to go on it again. HAHAHAHA!
(see the kid sitting in the ride with his arm up? that's Clifford)
(Round and Round They Go! (boys are third from the left))
(can see Clifford screaming in the pic)
Next up was the Pirate Boat ride...figured this was a little tamer
After they exited the Pirate Boat ride, they noticed the roller coaster right behind it (it was one of those old fashioned wooden-looking ones). They wanted to go on it, but I didn't feel comfortable with it. Plus I wasn't going on with them! (that would be a good one to do with their dad). So instead, we found a kiddie one below. Good enough :)
Lastly, before leaving, all the boys were treated to some ice cream.