Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Summer Events

I am waaayyy behind on blogging. Boys are down in Yakima visiting family for a few weeks, so I'm hoping to have a chance to catch up while they're gone and can't interrupt me. To get me started, I thought I would just clump a bunch of events and pics together to share what we've been up to this summer so far. Later I'll post pics of our trip to the beach for the 4th of July and any other more 'recent' events. Until then, enjoy these pics.

SWIMMING: What better way to spend the summer than at the pool!! We took full advantage of the few hot sunny days we had here in the Seattle area.

BIKE RIDING: Another favorite summer activity the boys love is riding their bikes.

TRY NEW RECIPES: I'm addicted to Pinterest. I love finding new recipes and testing them on Pete and the boys. I've been experimenting a lot this summer. Everyone is happy with the variations and change up from our every day meals.

PINK HAIR: Decided to switch things up. My neighbor (who is an ex-hair dresser) helped me add some pink to my hair. It's cute and fun!

MANICURES AND PEDICURES: Any time I paint my nails, Clifford and Kristjan are right there waiting for their turn. So I've decided to give them a littler bit of freedom with my nail polish. They can paint their own nails, but it has to be done on the kitchen floor. I even taught them how to properly use the nail polish remover. They've been doing this activity a lot lately lol.

"DIGGING" FOR BONES: Clifford has become a little Paleontologist. He likes to dig for 'bones' around the complex. One evening while tucking Clifford into bed, I noticed something strange on his floor. It was a ziplock bag of chicken bones from our dinner a few nights earlier!! Then a few days later while out playing with friends, he comes back home with another bag full of what he called 'dinosaur bones'. He had found some sort of pile of bones by the dumpster!!!! EEEEWWW!! Needless to say he started a collection. We told him they had to stay outside. Pete waited a few days, then threw them in the trash. Luckily, there hasn't been a repeat of this particular activity.

GARDENING: This summer we've enjoyed incorporating veggies from our garden into our meals.

WATER BALLOON FIGHT: Summer just isn't complete without a water balloon fight with friends.

CRAFT PROJECTS: Clifford is really starting to use his imagination. He'll take empty cereal boxes and make a house out of it. Or an empty pop bottle and make a boat out of it. We won't let him have his own knife yet, so he broke his scissors apart and used them as individual knives to whittle at wood. He also found Pete's electrical tape and has made himself a toy gun and bow 'n arrow. It's fun to see what he'll create next.

BAKE A CAKE: Boys were harassing me one day to let them each bake a cake. So we got in the kitchen, and I taught them how to make a boxed cake. Once the cakes were baked and cooled, I whipped up some homemade frosting and let them go to town. After dinner, we let them take the cakes outside and share with their neighbor friends :)

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