We took Kristjan in today to the allergist to have him tested on medication. Dr. Naimi went ahead and did a skin test on the three drugs we brought with us to the appointment. The three were Oxycodone, Tylenol and Ibuprofen, all of which Kristjan had the night he had a reaction. Technically, there isn't a standardize skin test for medication, but just in case, he wanted to see what results may pop up. As he expected, nothing showed up. So the next step is an oral medication challenge. This can take hours, so I need to make sure to bring plenty of things to keep him entertained. I take Kristjan back in two weeks for him to be tested on Tylenol. From there, we'll work on testing him on the other two. Dr. Naimi has his bets on it being the Oxycodone or Ibuprofen or the combo of both. The reason for this is both these drugs can make the body release histamine. So even though Kristjan looks like he's having an allergic reaction, it may not be the same level as going in to anaphylactic shock. BUT then again, we're not sure from the incident because we shot him with the epi pen before it could have possibly reached that stage, hence having the oral challenge. It will be interesting to see what the results are.
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